Surrogate Mother: Person to Help You Have a Children

Along with the development of technology in the medical world, a couple can have a child through another person's fetus. This method is also known as a surrogacy. Even so, there are still many people who do not understand how this method works. Here’s a brief explanation, to do surrogacy; you need to visit surrogacy agency to get help in contacting surrogate mother, fill the form, sign contract and do the surrogacy procedure. To find out more about this, read the following review!

A surrogate mother is a woman who agrees to conceive and deliver a baby to another person. Some of the problems may because one partner is infertile or has difficulty getting pregnant. More precisely, other women lend wombs to help married couples get a baby. During pregnancy, the wife's eggs and husband's sperm undergo in vitro fertilization, and the resulting embryo can be implanted in the surrogate mother. Usually, in the procedure carried out, the surrogate mother will hand over all rights to the original parents. Even so, there is no clear law to regulate it in some countries.

Before being famous worldwide, this trend was actually commonplace in the United States and Europe, with legal agreements of course. This is done so that people do not arbitrarily use this method to obtain baby. There are two types of surrogates that can be done, namely:

  1. Gestational surrogacy, ie renting the uterus only.

  2. Genetic surrogacy is the rental of the uterus with the eggs.

In the medical world, the trend of uterine lending is known as in-vitro fertilization, which is the fertilization of an egg by a sperm cell in a petri tube, which is carried out by medical personnel, and then implanted into the uterus. Historically, the IVF process was first performed by British doctors, namely Robert G. Edwards and Patrick Steptoe in the 1970s. However, at that time, doctors and religious leaders were still opposed, because they were considered to have taken on the role of God in the process of human creation.

Now the trend of IVF is booming and growing to create surrogate mothers. Although the success rate is not too great, this procedure is in great demand by married couples who want to have children soon, or who have been married for a long time but have not yet been given a baby. The non-natural process to get offspring that we know in general as IVF. Apart from all that, the surrogate mother trend is indeed one of the solutions for married couples who are longing for a baby. Not only profitable for the tenant, but the surrogate mother will also benefit because the uterine rental service is usually very expensive. However, aspects, such as the health, morals, and psychology of parents and prospective children resulting from surrogacy must also be considered carefully before finally deciding to undergo the process.

There are several options for husband and wife who want to have children. Medically, insemination and IVF can be done. But if it's been done and it doesn't work, maybe the husband and wife can consider adopting a child, even though it's not easy either. Sometimes the desire to have biological children is indeed very passionate, a desire and a natural dream for all married couples. However, as a good citizen, you should not go against the applicable law because the long-term consequences will be very tiring. Just imagine, if someone is desperate to carry out surrogacy illegally, and one day the status of the child being born is not clear whose child it is. Of course, it will be very disappointing for the perpetrators of surrogacy, both husband and wife, as well as the surrogate mother. Not to mention if you have to be held accountable for your actions before the law.